Impact 100 SRQ

Grant Application Process

Applying for a grant

2024 Grant Application Process

Step 1: Complete and submit your Grant Application Eligibility Form online before the deadline on July 8, 2024. 

Step 2: Once your eligibility to receive a Grant Application is confirmed, after April 17, 2024, you will receive the link to the Application.  Using the Instruction Guide, complete and submit your Application by July 17, 2024 at 12 Noon, ET.  

Step 3: Our Focus Area and Financial Review Committee members will complete a preliminary review of your Application to learn about your proposed Initiative.  If the members conclude that your Initiative meets preliminary review, you will be asked to host a Site Visit.  

Step 4: After the Site Visits, our Committee members will complete their reviews and select Focus Area Committee finalists.  Finalists will be asked to attend the Meet the Finalists event in December 2024 and to submit a Wish List.

Step 5: Finalists will present their Initiatives to the membership at our Annual Celebration on January 22, 2025.  The Grant Recipients will be selected by the membership's voting and announced at the Annual Celebration.   

For information on the application process, please email

AnchorGrant Eligibility Guidelines

Please note: Impact100 SRQ reserves the right to change its eligibility guidelines without notice at any time.

Organizations eligible for Impact100 SRQ grants must submit only one grant application per EIN number and confirm the organization:

  • Is defined as a tax-exempt public charity under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code
  • Is registered with the Florida Division of Corporations as a nonprofit corporation
  • Is registered with the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, unless the organization is exempt
  • Has been in operation for a minimum of 24 months and is able to provide Financial Statements and Tax Returns for that period
  • Is willing to disclose any and all legal actions declared; including current and pending conflicts, unless legal actions are a component of the organization's operating model
  • Is not a religious institution, unless it is a separate tax-exempt entity that is not under the umbrella of the religious institution and exists for receiving Impact100 SRQ funds

Please Note:  Collaborating Organizations must also satisfy our Grant Eligibility Guidelines.

Initiatives eligible for Impact100 SRQ grants must:

  • Be clearly defined, viable, sustainable, and designed to achieve high impact results
  • Primarily serve and benefit the communities and residents of Sarasota and/or Manatee Counties
  • Expend funds within the 24-month grant period that begins on the January 2025 award date
  • Have a total initiative budget equal to or greater than the full Impact100 SRQ grant amount. Grant initiatives submitted with budgets over the Impact100 SRQ grant amount must show the ability to fund the entire initiative.  To demonstrate the ability, we require documentation to support the funds that are committed.
  • If the initiative is an expansion of an existing program, the expansion must be clearly defined by a significant increase in the population served, a broadening of the offering to a different population category or a broadening of the type of service offering.  The initiative must not be a continuation of an existing program or service offering.
  • Demonstrate the ability to implement, maintain and sustain the initiative beyond the 24-month grant period
  • Have an initiative budget that itemizes the expenses that support the initiative.  Only direct operating expenses will be funded.  For a program expansion, only the direct operating expenses that support the expansion will be funded.  Impact100 SRQ will not fund general operating expenses that support the organization's current operations and programs, overhead expenses or expenses that are based on a cost allocation.  Detailed allocation of funds is required.
  • For initiatives with expenses for existing staff, the organization must demonstrate these expenses are solely in support of the initiative by stating whether the hours and salary of the existing staff will increase, or whether the existing staff's current responsibilities will be assigned to others.
  • Provide current quotes received from third-party vendors
  • For initiatives with capital improvements or renovations to property, the organization must own the property or provide a written property lease or other valid written agreement that demonstrates the permission of the property owner to fully implement the initiative.
  • Be designated by the applying nonprofit organization for one of the following Focus Areas:

Arts, Culture & History


Environment, Recreation & Animal Welfare


Health & Wellness

Impact100 SRQ will not provide grants for:

  • Debt reduction, operational deficits, interim funding, bridge funding or endowment funding
  • Grants to individuals
  • Any type of arrangement whereby our grant funds are held temporarily, including arrangements whereby the funds are transferred, either partially or in their entirety, to any other person or entity for its use/benefit, or any other person or entity not described in the Grant Application
  • Partisan, legislative, or political activity
  • Initiatives not available to any person, regardless of religious beliefs or practices or any person being required to participate in any religious activity, ceremony, or service
  • Grant recipients of an Impact100 SRQ grant awarded in the last two grant cycles

Grant Application Required Documents

  • Initiative Budget using the budget form provided in the application
  • Complete Financial Statements for the past two fiscal years, including Statement of Activities (Profit & Loss) and Statement of Financial Position (Balance Sheet), audited, if available
  • Interim Financial Statements, including Statement of Activities (Profit & Loss) and Statement of Financial Position (Balance Sheet) from last completed fiscal year to March 31, 2024 or later
  • IRS Form 990s (if required) for the past two fiscal years
  • Current fiscal year Operating Budget
  • Year-to-Date Actual vs Budgeted Statement of Activities (Profit & Loss) for the current fiscal year through March 31, 2024 or later
  • If initiative budget exceeds Impact100 SRQ grant amount, Proof of Committed Funds
  • If applicable, current Quotes received from third-party vendors
  • If applicable, a Property Lease or other valid written agreement that demonstrates the permission of the property owner to fully implement the initiative

For more detailed information, please review Descriptions and Relevance of Required Financial Documents.  

AnchorImportant Dates For Nonprofits

Grant Process Key Dates for Nonprofits

1/12:  Application Eligibility Form available

4/16:  The Big Reveal – Signature Event

4/17:  Grant Application Opens

7/8:  Application Eligibility Form Closes

7/17:  Grant Application Closes at 12:00 pm (Noon) EST

12/9:  Meet the Finalists – Signature Event

1/22/2025:  Annual Celebration & Award Ceremony – Signature Event

Nonprofit Training Opportunities

2/28:  Nonprofit Training - Gulf Coast Community Foundation

3/5:  Nonprofit Training - Braden River Library

3/14:  Nonprofit Training - Venice Headquarters of Gulf Coast Community Foundation

4/24:  Initiative Budget Training via Zoom

4/30:  Office Hours for Initiative Budget Q&A via Zoom

5/7:  Nonprofit Office Hours via Zoom

5/14:  Nonprofit Training - Braden River Library

5/21:  Nonprofit Training - Venice Headquarters of Gulf Coast Community Foundation

6/4:  Nonprofit Office Hours via Zoom

6/5:  Nonprofit Training - Gulf Coast Community Foundation

6/18:  Nonprofit Office Hours via Zoom

7/9:  Nonprofit Office Hours via Zoom 

For more information and to Register for a Training Session, click here to view our Calendar of Events.

For more information about the grant application process,


For more information about training opportunities and/or to join our email list
